What Happened in the IT Bootcamps Industry in 2019? A Comprehensive Summary!

This year is coming to an end so it would be worthwhile to have a look at a summary of what happened in recent years and how it affected the IT Bootcamp industry in 2019.

So, how does it look like?

IT Bootcamps have been on the market for almost a decade and the demand for programming courses is still growing. This is since the market constantly needs new employees to be able to continue its development, whether in the field of new technologies or for practical purposes to make life easier for each of us as well as access to information and services.

Empirica has released a report describing IT bootcamps as an affordable alternative to university studies. It was also pointed out that, compared to university curricula, such training is more flexible in terms of teaching programs and tailored to market needs. They are also much more accessible to people who do not have the technical skills, while candidates for studies are selected during the recruitment process and not everyone is eligible for such studies.

The number of IT bootcamps is growing every year, as is the number of people interested in such courses. According to the Course Report in the United States alone, there was already over 110 full-time coding bootcamps in 2018 and their growth is expected to be another 49% in the year 2019. The same applies to graduates, whose growth from 15,429 students rose to 23,043 in 2019. Interestingly, online coding bootcamps grew by 171% from 2,022 students in 2018 to 5,519 in 2019. Moreover estimates the growth rate between 2018 and 2019 is 31% which when compared to for example 2013 made a huge growth of 705%. That’s what you call development!

Source: www.coursereport.com

As for the programming language, referring to 2019 Developer Skill Report: “In 2018, 73% of programmers said they knew JavaScript, up from 67% in 2017. This also makes JavaScript 2018 the best-known language compared to Java 2017.” As far as development is concerned, the same study stated that: “Programmers are as eager as they were last year to learn new programming languages such as Python in 2019.” Since every modern website or web application needs a great and legible presentation layer, the demand for JavaScript specialists will certainly not decrease in the coming years.

A very interesting conclusion is also drawn from the study 2019 Women in Tech Report by HackerRank, in which the following observation is made about the programming languages of the new generation of employees: “As Gen Z women prepare to enter the workforce, they have most of the technical skills that hiring managers look for: JavaScript, Java, and Python proficiency. While half of Gen Z women know JavaScript, the majority of them know Java and Python. Gen Z women have similar proficiencies in comparison to Gen Z men. Half of Gen Z men also don’t know JavaScript. There are slight differences: More Gen Z women know Java (72%) than Gen Z men (66%) and more Gen Z men (63%) know Python than Gen Z women (59%).” What’s more: ”59% of hiring managers in 2019 are looking for JavaScript proficiency and while only 50% of Gen Z women know it, 35% of remaining Gen Z women are planning to learn it this year.”

Demand is not decreasing

The changes in the IT Bootcamp market can be seen mainly in terms of the number of schools and their flexibility. People interested in courses for programmers have a lot of convenient options to choose from, starting with a comfortable schedule of classes (evening, weekend, online), a wide selection of courses perfectly suited to market requirements, availability of courses in many cities and flexible payment options for the course.

According to the Bigram study, 86% of the surveyed companies notice a shortage of candidates for the IT area, which is the main threat to the implementation of the digitalisation strategy, so the demand for people who know how to encode remains unchanged.

New opportunities are emerging

According to Gartner’s research, at least by 2020, as much as 80% of projects related to Artificial Intelligence will still be unavailable to standard programmers. There is no denying that the demand for AI is already huge, but the problem is still the lack of specialists who can implement solutions in this field. Gartner estimates that there are currently about 300,000 of them worldwide and that there are already at least one million vacancies in this field.

Source: www.coursereport.com

There is no denying that development in the IT industry is also causing the creation of new branches of the IT industry and new jobs, a few years ago no one has ever heard of positions such as Blockchain Engineer or AI Engineer.

Moreover, when certain programmers already know of, for example, programming in Java, they can use IT bootcamps to train in Python, which will not only broaden their knowledge but also allow them to develop their professional career.

Reskilling or upskilling? IT Bootcamp will help!

There is no denying that, due to changes in the job market, the demand for particular skills is also changing. According to The McKinsey Global Institute, 375 ml of people by 2030 will have to change their job and acquire new skills in order not to fall out of the labour market. Therefore, it is worth deliberately considering the good management of own human resources – creating programs: reskilling and upskilling.

In 2019 IT Bootcamp is mainly engaged in the training of people who want to reskill or upskill to be competitive in the market due to certain disappearing professions or the search for better job offers. It also happens that the employer does not want to dismiss the employees when their position expands or liquidates and for this reason sends them to IT bootcamp to train them so that they can continue working in the same company.

IT Bootcamp is the best way to reskilling and upskilling because there’s no denying that the future of the job market relies on digitisation and coding skills, even if they’re not closely related to the particular job, it’s a huge benefit for a modern employee to have that kind of skills.

Source: www.coursereport.com

Russell Reynolds Associates’ research confirms this trend and how important upskilling and reskilling will become soon, as 90% of companies surveyed by them have already taken up digitalisation strategies. The effects of this decision can be seen already today what concerns changes in the labour market as due to robotisation and automation there is a threat of liquidation of 40% of professions. What is more, by 2020, Europe alone will lack 900,000 IT specialists.

Such a vision provides IT bootcamps with a great perspective for the future, knowing that the demand will continue to be able to focus on expanding the business, creating interesting software solutions of courses and developing a community that is ready for the future job market.