Expand your horizons with a free webinar

Sign up for a free webinar to learn more about our unique method of teaching, explore the course program,
and see how we prepare our graduates for entering the IT industry.

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Do you want to work with tech giants or innovative start-ups? Here’s some good news: they all use Python and its rich ecosystem of open-source frameworks and libraries. Register for a free webinar to see what our courses are like and how we teach.

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How we teach

We make sure that our remote courses focus on what matters most: live lessons and sessions with our professional instructors.


Classes are held in the evenings from Monday to Friday

All the time

A dedicated mentor helps you during the course duration


Practical projects that check your progress

What you can learn

Course program

Explore our course program in summary and learn more about all the benefits we offer

Practical knowledge

See how we encourage practical skills development during the course

Q&A session

Get answers to all your questions about the course, our teaching style and our graduates

Check out our courses