Why it makes sense to learn programming during a recession

Our world is filled with digital technologies that can now be found in our homes, offices, and public spaces. The arrival of new technologies means that their rule over our lives will increase even more. Just take a look around, and you’ll see devices all over the place – from your smartphone and laptop to a smart car, smart fridge, or beacon in a store.

What do all of these technologies have in common? They speak the same language. This language is computer code. No matter how complex or simple a digital device is, its features will always be based on the code running inside it.

These devices need to be programmed to perform their tasks. That’s why understanding computer code is the most valuable skill you can learn today to boost your career and open the doors to new job opportunities. 

Learning to code is a smart move during a recession. It helps you to develop a wide range of skills that will be invaluable across different sectors in the years to come. Moreover, you can take advantage of professional resources and online courses and easily learn everything you need to know to launch a new career in the tech industry. 


8 advantages of learning how to code


1. Efficiency and productivity

Companies are using digital solutions to automate repetitive tasks. After all, computers never get tired, complain that their jobs are boring, or make mistakes. Harnessing the power of machines by writing your own solutions allows you to spend more time on valuable tasks. 

For example, you can easily automate tasks like submitting reports, sorting through your emails, or managing your files and documents. You will never have to rename files manually again. You will find your emails the right folders when opening your inbox every morning. All you need is a few lines of code. 

Programming skills will help you to get better at your job. They will help you to become more productive and solve efficiency issues with code.


2. Technical expertise and collaboration

Managing a project often involves teams from different departments. People have various work habits and are used to doing things in different ways. Naturally, professionals coming from different fields and with different backgrounds might find it difficult to understand what others are saying. 

How many times have you had someone from an IT department explain an amazing new tool to you and had no idea what they were talking about? The good thing about learning how to code is that you get to learn the technical jargon as well. It will help you understand your technical colleagues much better. 

If you know how computers work and how developers build software, you can ask better questions (and understand the answers). Learning how to code will make you capable of discussing technical topics like updating company websites, optimizing reporting, or implementing new software. 

Coding skills will make you more valuable as an employee because you’ll be able to take on the role of an intermediary between the IT department and non-technical teams.

learn programming

3. Knowing how software works is an advantage

Whenever you use a computer – and you will be using a computer at whatever job you’re doing most of the time – you’re interacting with different types of software. 

Knowing the basics of coding and the logic behind programs enables professionals like you to learn using these new tools with less effort. You will become familiar with hardware devices, software types, websites, and apps. 

Working with new technical tools will be easier, and you’ll get to learn your way around new devices or solutions much more quickly than people who are not familiar with IT.


4. Problem-solving and analytical skills

If you started learning how to code, then you probably noticed that programming is all about solving problems. The essence of writing a computer program is having a piece of software solve a problem. 

That’s why learning a programming language will make you better at problem-solving in general. And that capability is a huge asset at work. 

Learning how to code will teach you an entirely new way of approaching problems, and that skill will translate to other areas of your work and life. 

Programming follows a structured way of solving problems. First, you start out with a solid plan and then identify key potential areas where errors might occur. Finally, you can work towards your goal step-by-step. 

When learning how to code, you will also develop the habit of paying attention to detail and anticipating potential errors.


5. Coding fundamentals will help you navigate the technology landscape

When interacting with technology solutions, you might not always know how exactly they work. Is it really difficult to write a piece of software? Can anyone create a web application? The benefit of learning programming is that you will be more aware of how the software works. 

The fundamentals of software development will make you an employee who is better prepared to tackle new challenges as your company launches digital transformation programs. 

For example, if your employer wants to build a new feature or website, you will be able to understand what it takes to develop it and what the process looks like. As a result, you’ll manage the project better and avoid falling victim to the common mistakes in building software.


6. Launching a new career

Naturally, many people who learn how to code do it because they want to switch careers and take advantage of the amazing job opportunities the tech industry offers today. 

This type of motivation behind learning a programming language and fundamentals of software development is essential for entering the tech industry. And that holds true for both technical or non-technical roles. 

For example, if you’re a sales representative who wants to start working for a tech company, learning more about the sector is a surefire way to increase your employability. 

You need both high-level knowledge of different technologies available on the market but also the low-level understanding of how software is built. 

And if you’d like to become a software developer or tester yourself, learning how to code is an essential step to gaining the skills for launching your new career.


7. You can start your own business

By learning a programming language and software development tools, you can easily launch a career as a freelance developer. 

But knowing how to code goes way beyond that. 

For example, it enables you to start a new business based on your tech skills. You can set up your own web development agency, build a mobile application, create an online shop, or build an online publication. 

The opportunities in this area are almost endless. Every business that wants to succeed needs to know how to navigate the technology landscape. A person that knows how to code will be better equipped to do that than their competitors.


8. More freedom and flexibility thanks to remote work options

When it comes to remote work, the tech industry definitely had a headstart on this trend when compared to other sectors. People in IT know how to use collaboration tools that make remote work possible and productive. 

If you’re looking to start a new career, you might be doing that because becoming a software developer will give you a lot of freedom and flexibility. You’ll be able to decide when you want to work and for whom. If you become a self-employed developer or freelancer, you will never be bound to office hours anymore. 

And working remotely can be an incredibly rewarding experience. You will have all the flexibility to pursue other goals and hobbies – and at the same time, get a good income that allows achieving your goals.



Learning how to program is a smart move in today’s economic reality. An increasing number of companies are launching digital transformation programs that require new tech skills from employees. 

By learning the ins and outs of software development and how digital tools work, you can launch a new career or elevate your current role and become an irreplaceable asset to your company. 

If you’re looking for more resources about learning how to code, keep a close eye on our blog and check out our online courses designed for both absolute beginners and more advanced students.