Meet, learn, use and Love PHP

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There are many programming languages, but PHP has been at the top of the list for many years, so we want to bring it closer to you and give you a greater choice when it comes to which programming language to choose from. It’s worth considering it not only as of the first programming language but also as an additional one that will allow you to expand your career and your portfolio.

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The Difference between Functional Programming and Object-Oriented Programming

Are you Team Batman or Team Superman? Do you prefer popcorn or nachos? Is Coke or Pepsi better? These disputes are difficult to resolve because everyone has their own preferences and follows what suits them best. The same goes for the battle between functional programming and object-oriented programming. Which of these two has a better approach to creating programs is a matter of dispute. However, before making a decision, it is worthwhile to draw attention to the pros and cons of both types of programming. After all, one cannot argue about one’s reasons without taking a stand against the opponent.

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Why Learning Python is a Great Idea?

When you want to start your journey into the world of programming you probably wonder multiple times which programming language to begin with? Many people say that it’s best to start with Javascript, but you don’t have to follow the beaten track. Start with Python first and find out for yourself that it’s worth to begin with learning something that may turn out to be more intuitive and direct your career in a favourable direction. Prepare yourself for a dose of interesting information.

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